Support me
You can help me
make my dream come true
Discover every way to support me

Join the crowd
Do you want to help me achieve my goals? You can join the crowd and support me through my crowdfunding actions. Right now I run my biggest crowdfunding ever: my Road to Paris 2024. Crowdfunding is the most important way that let’s me do what I love to do most: openwaterswimming on the highest level.

Follow my adventure
Yes you can help me by simply following me. Not only is this a great motivation for me, this is also practical. More followers give my partners more positive exposure. Obviously, that’s very important for both me and them. So, follow me through my blog, on social media and in ‘real-life’.
Support Lars for free
There is a way to support me which doesn’t cost you anything. When you shop online a percentage of the purchase amount goes to me. The online store pays and for you it doesn’t cost any extra. Do you want to help me and want to know exactly how it works? Then go to my personal Sponsormeter page.

Participate in my activities
Multiple times a year I organize presentations, workshops and help with other activities. I really like to do this and if you join me in these activities you support me a lot. This way I can maintain myself a bit. See it as a good collaboration between you and me. Are you interested in a clinic or workshop? Please reach out to me.