Follow my dream
I want to compete at the
2024 Olympic Games in Paris
Who am I?
Welcome to my site. My name is Lars Bottelier – professional openwater swimmer. Swimming is my whole life and my passion is to continually achieve better results. I train every day to work towards that dream goal: The Olympic Games of Paris 2024. I won’t quit until I have reached my full potential. My adventure has just begun.
Are you interested in my biggest achievements? Read along in my biography.

How can you follow me?
You can follow my #RoadtoParis. On this site I regularly post updates about my swimming career. I also try to make a blogpost every now and then to keep you up-to-date with what I am doing – and I hope that you are happy to follow me this way.
Are you interested in my blog? Scroll down please.

Read my latest blogposts
FORM Goggles are my new Go-To swim goggles for training
I am proud to announce that FORM Swim and I have partnered up for the…
deboer wetsuits is my new partner
I am proud to announce that deboer performance wetsuits and me are now working together….
Do you want to read all my blogs?

Help me achieve my dreams
Support me like many others
A lot of people already supported me which is awesome. Do you also want to contribute to my swimming carreer? Of course this is possible. There are multiple options. Discover them here.
I am looking for partners
I am still in search for a head partner, so I can focus on the most important part for myself: openwaterswimming. Are you the one who is going to make te big difference for me in my Road to Paris 2024. I would like to get in touch.