Maxim Sports Nutrition is my new partner

‘We bring the fuel, you bring the body.’ That’s what my new partner Maxim Sports Nutrition stands for. I am very happy that, together with Maxim, I can reach better achievements.

Going back to Maxim

I know Maxim for years. I am a huge fan of their products and I used them for a long time. However, when I was swimming with the Dutch Swimming Federation in 2016 and on, I used other sports nutrition. The more happy I am to announce I am going back to Maxim. One of their pillars is to provide healthy sports nutrition made of high quality natural ingrediënts. And I fully agree with this.

Maxim offers all kind of sports nutrition. For instance they have: energy gells, energy drinks, energy bars, proteïn bars, sports drink and many more. Besides this, they offer extensive nutritional advice for their (professional) athletes. With this you are not only provided with the best nutrition, you also know how and when to use it. Maurice Douben (Financial Manager Maxim Netherlands) is also very happy with our collaboration:

Maxim likes to support athletes with a good motivational spirit. Lars has set a goal to win a ticket for the Summer Olympic Games of 2024 in Paris. Maxim would like to support him by providing the right sport nutrition and advice.

Maurice Douben (Financial Manager Maxim Netherlands)

Do you want to know more about Maxim or about my favorite products? Let it know in the comments. Follow me for the latest updates. I can’t wait to swim my first races with Maxim by my side!

Partners who believe in my Olympic Dream

deboer is my new partner and with the help of him and their brand and neoprene high-end wetsuits I am going to reach the Olympic Games of Paris 2024

Woning Welzorg op Maat steunt Lars Bottelier in zijn carriere om de Olympische Spelen te bereiken. Donatie voor zijn zwemblog zwem blog. Lars is topper in het open water zwemmen. Parijs 2024
Logo YVGTF - Yvonne van Gennip Talent Foundation - partner of open water swimmer Lars Bottelier - Swim Blog Lars Bottelier. Lars is the best open water swimmer currently in the Netherlands. Follow him for tips and tricks about swimming and specific open water.
This is the logo of Maxim - Maxim sports nutrition is partner of professional open water swimmer Lars Bottelier. Follow his swim blog and Road to Paris 2024.
Lars Bottelier en Virtuoos werken samen om de top van het open water zwemmen te bereiken topsport

4 thoughts on “Maxim Sports Nutrition is my new partner”

  1. Hi Lars, I keep getting muscle cramps above the knee joint when swimming around the 90 minute mark. Do you have any experience with this issue and do you add sea salt to your drinks or anything like that? Best regards, Bruce

    • Hi Bruce, it’s hard to say what causes the cramps. F.i. it could be a shortage on magnesium or a deficit in body fluids. Personally I dont have any cramps at all. What do you take for nutrition during such a swim?

  2. I do take 100 mg of magnesium every day, but it doesn’t seem to help much. I do feel dehydrated at times but don’t take any food or gels or anything like that. Fruit juice or coconut water would probably be a good idea though.

    • Sound like you could benefit a lot from taking carbohydrates during a swim. I would advice you to take an isotonic sports drink and see if it happens again. Let me know how you go!


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